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Reading - Starborn Vendetta

Apologies for the lateness on this blog, life was happening. Hi. This week, not a very big post. That will probably come later. Instead, a l...

Sunday 28 June 2020

A silly song for all...

Picture of young man feeling extremely embarrassed, but wanting this song (?) out of his system.

Through wars both old and new,
the men, and women too,
have each been told the heart must be forgot.
But now and ever more,
shall elicit that word ‘Cor’.
And guys and gals are all a handsome lot.
But for those who seek connections,
of a more enduring kind,
I have this quaint narration,
to ease both heart and mind.
Though there are mines exploding,
and masked men are approaching,
with their machine guns primed.
Whether veteran or green,
support or combat sheened,
your stars will soon align.
Whether in the cubicle or through a reticle,
you may see your chance.
So go out and pursue,
sweetness for them and you.
Go after that one romance.
Though there are bullets flying,
and enemies trying,
to send us all on high.
Though you may be contested,
sent up or berated,
or fail that first small try.
Do not let your failure
affect your behaviour,
or make you miss that chance.
Just go on, don’t you rest,
you’re the best of the best,
you can make that one romance.
Though you’re laid up in bed, sir,
due to having ate, sir,
the cantine’s Christmas cake.
Even if you’re there, sir,
you mustn’t yet give up, sir,
that is the big mistake.
So just write that letter,
you can’t forget, sir,
that they might be the one.
So be up and away.
This is no time to stay.
This is the time to say.
Say it in your own way.
Say it to that one romance.