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Reading - Starborn Vendetta

Apologies for the lateness on this blog, life was happening. Hi. This week, not a very big post. That will probably come later. Instead, a l...

Friday 17 November 2023

Shared article: Sarah Ash - The Retelling Retold

Well, technically not Sarah Ash, but a guest blog I did for her. This post is outside my usual Sunday schedule, but I probably should've done something here. If you don't know, Sarah Ash is a fantasy author who also is one of the principal writers for Anime UK, your British English source of reviews for anime, light novels and manga. As part of the general stuff around Starborn Vendetta, I wrote a guest blog for her. Below is the opening extract.

Since storytelling began, humans have retold and reworked tales. Moral messages, personal fantasies, whimsical tales, life lessons, histories, all have been put through the lens of the storyteller for uncountable generations. But why? Because of this ubiquity, the retelling can be overused. To me, the retellings that stand out the most are ones which take an old story and give it a proper new spin, make it relevant to a modern audience or even decontextualize the story as a whole.

If you want to read the whole thing, here is the article link: https://www.sarah-ash.com/fantasy-and-science-fiction/2739/the-retelling-retold-thomas-wrightson-visits-the-guest-blog/

Here's to the weekend.

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