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Releasing July 30: Lost Station Circé

It's happened. It's here. After a nerve-wracking wait, I have a date.  Lost Station Circé , the second entry in my Cluster Cycle ser...

Sunday 1 September 2024

What happened, what will happen

Hello, everyone. Happy September. So...why the title? Truth be told, I had something more "meaty" written up, but I felt like this week was better for an overall update on the world of Thomas Wrightson, new author and anxious person.

This is pretty much an update, since things are going to be happening over the next several months and I've been VERY busy one way and another. It's not exactly an update like other posts on this website, but it's something along those lines.

One thing about this year that's been different is that I have been studying with the Open University, taking the first steps in getting myself a BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature. It's been sometimes difficult acclimatising myself to this new part of my life, but it's not something I regret. I've completed the first module out of six, and due to timing the next one starts in late September/early October.

Secondly is the fact that the last several months have been difficult. Last year around the time of my debut book's launch, I had a bit of a mental...episode due to a combination of stress and some very VERY duff tea. A combination of neonicotinoids and mould will do very strange things to one's head. On top of that, and unrelated to the latest spike in COVID, our family was stuck with a conga line of illnesses that meant a lot of things couldn't be done. It means that my recent WIP only got properly started in June, and I wasn't able to get starting on writing anything properly between mid-September 2023 and then.

On a brighter note, I have two things coming up. One of them is BristolCon, obviously. And I shall be taking a mask along, and I advice others to take any and all precautions necessary because the new COVID variants are sneaky. The other is something that hasn't been officially announced yet, so I'll hold off on that for now. But also my second book's launch has come and gone, and while stressful, it wasn't the crumpling at the knees and sobbing kind of stressful the last one was.

Also also, I'm in the process of FINALLY getting myself a passport. It's ideally for a planned trip to the continent, but it opens the doors for me to be able to just...do things if and when I want. The coming few years will likely be busy with my continued writing, continued OU degree pathway, and hopefully continuing to grow both an audience and my network of contacts and those I might hope to call friends.

Also also also, there will be things happening on my Spotify and YouTube channels in relation to my podcast Author Talks. The latter especially, as I'm hoping to do commentary videos on some games, not only just talking but the things an author could conceivably do with a story: talk about it, analyse it, be surprised by it (slightly difficult for me). I'd hoped for it to be Visions of Mana, but that just won't run properly on my machine without looking like a Monet painting before he got his eyesight fixed.

And that's finally it. Everyone take care in these trying times, best wishes to Brazil for going cold turkey on Musk, here's to the next four months of 2024, and...anyone who's going, see you at BristolCon.

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