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Releasing July 30: Lost Station Circé

It's happened. It's here. After a nerve-wracking wait, I have a date.  Lost Station Circé , the second entry in my Cluster Cycle ser...

Sunday 6 October 2024

Life events = story ideas?

 On Monday, I had to go to a local hospital. It was nothing serious as it turned out, but it did provide me with something every author should be able to have: an eye for people. And today, I was reminded strongly of that quality when I heard/saw a small little scene play out between a nurse and someone I assume was an outpatient.

For the sake of privacy and decency, I won't reveal this person's name or gender or appearance. I will say that they had a cornucopia of medications to deal with a number of simultaneous conditions, and two people close to them were afflicted with permanently debilitating ailments: one increasing blindness, and one progressive dementia. It was sad and strange hearing those bits from them while talking to a nurse over necessary procedures that would require them to stay in the hospital overnight, and not being able to avoid hearing them since we were in the same waiting area on a quiet day in the hospital.

This isn't the first time that real-life events have stuck in my mind. Getting pseudo-lost in a shopping centre when I was less than ten years old, hearing a train refreshment steward advertising "soft drinks for the saints, hard drinks for the sinners", being briefly manhandled by a flustered hotel employee one BristolCon because he assumed I was part of a rowdy group of young men whom he had been directing away from the convention rooms. But this also applies more broadly to a recurring piece of writing advice to write what you know. Now, I've always considered that advice in part reductive, especially as you may think you know something and be completely wrong. I prefer to think of that advice as "write what you can learn about and what you're comfortable writing about".

Now, there are some authors who did nothing but use real people for inspiration. Looking at you, Ian Fleming, who stole his most famous character's name from an ornithology book and based all his female leads on this one girl he had a ding-dong with back in the day. There needs to be a line drawn between randomly plucking events and names without consideration. But it is also true that authors draw on real-life events to put in bits of their story. Sometimes events that seem wildly improbable are actually traceable back to very real events. Agatha Christie notably drew on two real-life tragedies as the basis for two of her mysteries: it's commonly accepted that the character Marina Gregg in The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side is at least inspired by actress Gene Tierney, who suffered greatly in her personal life, while her long-running play The Mousetrap was explicitly inspired on the O'Neill case, a horrifying example of domestic abuse. And lest we forget the creators of K9 from Doctor Who, with one of the writers of his debut story inspired by the recent loss of his dog in a road accident.

This is absolutely not intended as a justification for using real-life incidents in this way. I wouldn't advise it, I wouldn't want to do it myself except in a very broad way or if I was referencing them within the context of a real world/real world-adjacent setting. And even then, you wouldn't be exactly paralleling something. Juliet McKenna's Green Man's Quarry highlights some real social and judicial issues without making direct references, and Xiran Jay Zhao's Iron Widow is more inspired by the life of female emperor We Zetien than directly paralleling her life in a sci-fi setting.

All this comes back to that story I heard. As I heard it, I freely admit my author's brain went into action. I was playing the thing out as a scene in a book, whether from my perspective as onlooker or in the person of the patient or the nurse. It was a scene I had met multiple times in more melodramatic dressings, but this one was so raw and emotive that I might've found myself taking notes on it without thinking. I already was doing in taking mental notes. Sometimes I can find myself shocked at how much my brain takes things as 'copy'. Odd phrases, incidents, scenes, weather conditions, sequences of events. There are some events that are going to make an impression no matter what. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of my father, my grandparents, a dear friend in a local singing group. Or on a lighter note, meeting my cousin's young child, getting to have a good talk with relatives, making connections and friends that persisted, seeing a place for the very first time.

There are some ideas you can take from life. But there are others you shouldn't, or at least not without suitable obfuscation. Especially so in this age of intolerance, defamation, legal actions, and extremism where people are more likely to take the violent route, be that abuse, legal destruction, or actual physical harm. And when you think about it, that self-imposed or societal restriction can in itself be inspiration for stories and characters.

So, a final question for you if you've reached this far. If you could, would you turn something from your life into a story scene? And what changes would you consciously or unconsciously make?

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