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Apologies for the lateness on this blog, life was happening. Hi. This week, not a very big post. That will probably come later. Instead, a l...

Sunday 30 September 2018

Minor Updates and Random Thoughts

This week's been somewhat of a drag due to a terrible bug. And during the weekend I went to a wonderful volunteer event, and and the end of next month I'll be going to BristolCon 2018. So here's a bit of a quick rundown of what's happened since the beginning of July.

Recently finished proofreading the second volume of The Leviathan Chronicle, and updated the text of the current volume with new corrections. Despite recent changes caused by the merger of Kindle and CreateSpace , I'll hope to still publish during the final months of this year.

Finished my latest project, a sci-fi take on Dumas's immortal tale The Count of Monte Cristo, but with less nobility and more honesty about what people really do when they're driven by pure vengeance. Hope to get down to a proper proofread soon.

Started two new and promising projects. One a fantastic thing with a non-human cast and a light tone, and the other my own contribution to Lovecraftian lore with my own particular twists. Figurative and otherwise.

Completed a promising short story based on my recent interesting reading of "We Purchased People". Hope it goes down well if/when people see it.

Cleaned up myself by editing out milk, which has been causing unnecessary mood swings impacting my writing and productivity.

Hope I'll have something a little larger for you all next week. Have a good week!

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